Kitsune [vulpine] [male]
Crazy fox writing novels and travelling the world. Love life and people with heart & mind
 Email Here for almost 4 years 

 Closest furries :
 IchigoLouchats11 km 
 SinusSaintes13 km 
 Kin WolfSaint Denis de Pile26 km 
 Dragfield NightF...Audenge27 km 
 stormyhasteBiscarrosse29 km 
 AmadiosGujan-Mestras29 km 
 CaalArcachon31 km 
 RaghanCoutras34 km 
 MorganennCanéjan34 km 
10  RevyLibourne36 km 
11  jadeVillenave d'Ornon36 km 
12  ButtBadgerVillenave d Ornon37 km 
13  Emil Bordeaux38 km 
14  TheryionLudon-Médoc39 km 
15  OrtaonLéognan 40 km 
16  kurobordeaux40 km 
17  Chuklenuts41 km 
18  Falconlibourne44 km 
19  DawnaurBordeaux45 km 
20  DirkBeordeaux45 km 
1 3 5 10 20 30 50 100 200  

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