Shadow Bluetail (la calamine, Belgique)
 Husky [canine] [male]
Full name : Shadow BlueTail.

Specie : Husky.

Gender : Male.

Age : 19 Years old.

Size : 2 Meters.

Colors : Mostly Blue Black and White. He's got a large blue tail. eyes are blue.

Anatomic features : Shadow stands on his hind paws. He has a long blue and white tail. His maw has sharp fangs which can easily tie his opponents, and his tongue is blue. In his back, he has a blue fur which goes up his head. His belly is white and the rest is black. He's got a muscular body and is well trained, so he can fight efficiently against everything that could get in his way .

Nature : Friendly, a bit Lonely. He does not hesitate to Protect his friends an Family he likes spending time with them. He would not hesitate to help and even risk his life To save His Friends and Family.
Interests : Likes : Winter, snow, Lightning, Rain, friends, Weapons.

Dislikes : Sun, Heat, Enemies. elevators.
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